The Second Army attacks west into Freedonia, clears it’s sector and secures it’s lines of communications and advanced West to take the capital, bringing Freedoina into compliance.
The Army will be divided into two wings. I intend to advance in a westerly direction along both main roads from our border and envelop Bastogne. The army will continue it’s advance west from Bastogne along the main road to the capital. We will defeat enemy forces encountered along the way.
Concept of the operation: Division of the Army and initial deployment
Group A: General Chekov
I Corps Gen Checkov
4 brigades (22 line bns, 3 jaeger bns, 7 art btys, 2 lt cav rgts. 1 eng rgt. 1 supply train)
Alfonso’s division (Gen Alfonso)
2 Brigades (10 line bns, 2 jaeger bns, 2 art bty, 1 suppy train)
Group A will cross the border at Chetagne and move southwest along axis f advance Chetagne-Longchampes-Bastogne. The light cav rgts from Chekov’s corps will be in the lead followed by Alfonso’s division and then I Corps. Normal movement rate will be conducted in order to preserve order and concentration. Group A will hold at Savy, coordinate with Group B and prepare to attack Bastogne if necessary. If needed the engineers will repair of build bridges as necessary at Bastogne. Following he seizure of Bastogne, group A will assume the lead of Second Army and continue South to the capital. At any time be prepared to engaged the enemy on contact.
Group B: General Mattieu:
II Corps Gen Mattieu
4 Brigades (23 line bns, 5 jaeger bns, 6 arty btys, 1 cav rgt, 1 suppy train)
III Corps Gen Dexter
4 Brigades (24 line bns, 3 jaeger bns, 2 arty btys, 1 cav rgt, 1 supply train)
Group B will cross the border 20 miles North of Tavigny and move northwest along axis of advance Wicourt-Foy-Bastogne. The light cav rgts will be in the lead followed by III Corps and then II Corps. Normal movement rate will be conducted in order to preserve order and concentration. Group B will hold at Luzezy, coordinate with Group A and prepare to attack Bastogne if necessary. Following he seizure of Bastogne, group A will assume the lead of Second Army and continue South to the capital. At any time be prepared to engaged the enemy on contact. III Corps will be prepared to detach a brigade at Bastogne to preserve our line of communication.
Each major command carried with it sufficient supplies for two major day long battles. Seize and reserve any major depots encountered along the way to add to our stocks. Forage for horse along countryside is possible in June. Ensure rail lines are captured undamaged.
All messages by courier. Attempt to seize intact enemy telegraph network for our use. Expect daily situation reports passed between the two groups. Cavalry patrols to secure any North-South roads between the two groups to facilitate communications. Report any enemy encounters at once.
Intelligence requirements:
State of road networks along axis of advance.
Security of axis of advance
Cooperation of local populace. (anticipated to be friendly)
Location of enemy main body.
Chain of command:
General Major Lorencz (Will be traveling with Group A)
Gen Checkov
Gen Mattieu
Gen Dexter
Gen Alfonso

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