III Corps is to defeat or delay enemy forces in sector and prevent advance on capital off map to the west.
Concept of the operation:
The III Corps is divided into two forces: The Covering Force under General Cruz and the Main force under General Lorenko. The covering force screen delays and identifies enemies forces. The
main force concentrates and attempts to defeat the enemy in detail if he divides his forces using central lines. If the enemy remains in mass defend and delay in sector until help arrives.
Coordinating Instructions:
The Covering Force
General Cruz' Division
Force reserve: 1 Jager bn, 1 Dragoon Regiment, 1 4 lbr battery.
Northern Force General Makowsky (Force N)
6th Infantry Brigade (5 line bn, 1 jaeger bn, 1 6 lbr battery)
St George's cavalry brigade ( 1 Uhlan rgt, 1 dragoon regt,)
1 militia bn in company sized garrisons
Deploy small outposts in a N-S line observing the border between Salle and Compagne. Main position vic Wiscourt. Withdraw along main road as necessary.
Southern Force General Wasserman (Force S)
7th Infantry Brigade (5 line bn, 1 jaeger bn, 1 6 lbr battery)
Hilton's cavalry brigade ( 1 Hussar rgt, 1 dragoon regt,)
1 militia bn in company sized garrisons
Deploy small outposts in a N-S line observing the border between Mabampre and Tavigny. Main position vic bertogne Withdraw along main road as necessary.
The covering force deploys near the border and observes enemy movement, delays where feasible and most importantly identifies the size composition and direction of the enemy's thrusts. This force is to avoid becoming decisively engaged until ordered to do so. Withdraw south along Main axis of enemy advance delaying him where feasible. Destroy rail tracks and cut telegraph lines. Report all movements to CinC. Screen all enemy reconnaissance. On order be prepared to either assist main body in counterattack or delay enemy force as directed. Be prepared to evacuate the magazine at Foy
Priority Intel requirements:
Size, composition and strength f enemy forces.
Direction of thrust
Speed of advance
Is enemy force divided or in one mass?
Will enemy attempt envelopment or come headlong at us?
All messages to be dispatched by telegraph and courier.
The Main Force:
III Corps (-) General Lorenko
1 Art bde (6 Art btrys)
General Lang's Division (2 bdes w 12 bns, 1 cav and 2 art btrys
General Norrington's Division ( 3 Bdes w 13 bns, 3 art btry, 1 cav rgt)
General Brocketts' Cavary Division (2 lt, 1 hvy Cav Bde=7 rgts, 1 HA btry)
Deploy centrally vic bastogne. Be prepared to move immediately to concentrate in terrain favorable to attack and destroy any inferior segment of the enemy advance as it presents itself through covering force reports segment Division cav to pre reconnoiter routes to the battle area.
Each division has sufficient stores in it's wagon trains to conduct two full day battles. AT Foy is stores for one division to conduct a full day's battles. At Bastogne there are two full days battles a fourth days stores are located at Remabrose. Additional Forage for horses obtainable off land. One rail engine with 6 cabins available for use and remains at bastogne. (Do not allow this engine to fall to the enemy.
Use telegraph to send messages from covering force. Follow up with courier. Refer to PIR.
Order of Command:
Gen Lorenko
General Norrington, General Lang
General Cruz
General Brockett

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