The king of Freedonia has passed away with no heirs. The Parliament has voted to give the President Elect Rufus T. Firefly greater constitutional powers and is greatly weakening the influence of the Monarchy, after the fashion of England. Freedonia’s neighbor to the east, Upper Slobobia, views this as an affront to Europe’s Monarchy. In particular the King of Upper Slobobia is a distant relative to the deceased King of Freedonia and feels that he should double as Freedonia’s monarch. The delicate relationship between the two counties has been exasperated by the eccentric nature of President Firefly. On June 6th, Upper Slobobia intent on resolving the issue by force, issues an ultimatum to allow it’s troops into Freedonia to “restore order”.
Current Situation:
Upper Slobobia began massing on Freedonia’s border last week and invasion is imminent. Freedonia underwent and emergency mobilization and is frantically putting itself in a state of defense.
Much of the region where the campaign takes place is covered in dense forests, with the mountains averaging around 350–700 m (1,148-1,640 ft) in height but rising to over 694 m in the boggy moors of theregion. The region is typified by steep-sided valleys carved by swift-flowing rivers. This sector of Freedonia is otherwise relatively sparsely populated, with few of the cities exceeding 10,000 inhabitants. The Tuefel range in Slobobia adjoins the region and is part of the same geological formation, although they are conventionally regarded as being two distinct areas.
Several main all-weather roads run through the area general along rail lines. Telegraph lines are in evidence along these MSRs (Main Supply Routes) as well. Many unimproved roads also criss-cross the area but become unreliable in bad weather. (Note I am using a map of the Ardennes for the campaign. On the attached map 1 hex = 5 miles)
Average daily sunshine hours in June=7. Average participation in June=2”, average rains days in June=14. Average high temp=71F average low temp=51F. This region of Freedonia has a mild continental climate with four distinct seasons and moderate rainfall year round. Summers are warm and winters are cold. The weather in summer is much milder than might be expected for a continental climate due to the region’s elevation. The region is made up of forested mountains and rolling hills with sheer-faced valleys carved out by rapid rivers. The mountainous terrain gives rise to wetter weather than in surrounding regions; this region has the highest annual rainfall in Freedonia. Mist and fog are also much more common. The wet weather has led to the development of many boggy areas.
General Notes re: The Upper Slobobian Army
The Slobobian Army is immense and superiority in numbers is to be expected on all fronts. It is organized into Ad Hoc Corps each with 3-4 Brigades consisting of anywhere from 6-8 battalions. Training and capability of the officers and men is mixed with Patronage being the main ticket to commission. The battalions themselves consist of long service professionals armed with rifled Muskets. The cult of the bayonet still reigns supreme among commanders.. The Cavalry has a record of high quality. Slobobian artillery is still primarily muzzle loading smooth bore.
General Notes Re: The Freedonian Army.
Freedonia maintains a conscript Army. It is a smaller force than their adversaries. All males serve 3 years in the active Army, followed by 10 years in the reserve followed by ten years in the militia. The Freedonia Army is organized into Divisions each of 2-3 Brigades consisting of 5-7 battalions. Troops are armed with Breach loading rifles. Some rifled breech-loading artillery also exists.
GM Notes:
These are taken from Donald Featherstone's Wargaming Campaigns
Daily Movement rates:
Note: Bad weather negates unimproved roads
Roads Normal: 15 miles
Roads Forced 25 miles 10% daily loss
Roads Emergency: 30 miles 40% daily loss, mandatory one day rest period
Cross country: 2/3 distance
Rough terrain 1/3 distance
Roads Normal: 30 miles
Roads Forced: 40 miles 10% daily loss
Roads Emergency: 50 miles 40% daily loss, mandatory one day rest period
Cross country: half distance
Rough terrain 1/3 distance
Roads Normal: 20 miles
Roads Forced: 30 miles 10% daily loss
Roads Emergency: 40 miles 20% daily loss, mandatory one day rest period
Cross country 2/3 distance
Rough terrain 1/3 distance
Wagon trains
Roads Normal: 15 miles
Roads Forced: 25 miles 10% daily loss
Roads Emergency: 30 miles 40% daily loss, mandatory one day rest period
Cross county half distance
Rough terrain 1/3 distance

Tactical Situation:
Slobobian Army of the North (General M.Lorencz) is comprised of the following
First Corps: 4 bdes (total: 29 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 1 Eng bn, 4 art btry)
Second Corps: 4 bdes (total 29 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 4 art btry)
Third Corps: 4 bdes (total 28 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 3 art btry)
Allied Division: 2 bdes (12 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 2 art btry)
The supply trains for the Slobobians carry sufficient supplies for 7 corps-sized equivalent combat operations)
Total: 98 line bns, 4 cav rgts, 13 art btrys, 1 eng bn)
Advantages for the attacker:
Initiative and Objective: they know what they are doing , when and where
Lack of sufficient cavalry for scouting out situation ahead, groping blind in enemy territory.
Muzzleloading rifle vs Breechloading
Supplies and supply lines

Freedonia III Corps (General D.Lorenko)
1st Division: 2 bdes (12 line bns, 1 cav rgt 3 btry)
2d Division: 2 bdes (12 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 2 btry)
3rd Division: 3 bdes (18 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 4 btry)
1 Cav Bde(2 rgts)
1 Cav bde (2 rgts)
1 Cav division (4 lt cav 2 hvy cav rgt, 1 btry)
Arty bde ( 3 btry)
Supply trains and supply depots in the region carry enough supplies for 10 division sized combat operations
4 militia battalions are divided into company sized garrisons through the area of operations
(total: 42 line bns, 4 militia bns, 13 cav rgts, 13 art btry)
Advantages for the defenders:
Interior lines
Control of the one railroad line and telegraph lines
Advantage in cavalry
Home territory: Militia and others can facilitate intel gathering
Breech loading vs muzzle loading rifles
Reacting to the enemy
Enemy has superior numbers
Note: Bad weather negates unimproved roads
Roads Normal: 15 miles
Roads Forced 25 miles 10% daily loss
Roads Emergency: 30 miles 40% daily loss, mandatory one day rest period
Cross country: 2/3 distance
Rough terrain 1/3 distance
Roads Normal: 30 miles
Roads Forced: 40 miles 10% daily loss
Roads Emergency: 50 miles 40% daily loss, mandatory one day rest period
Cross country: half distance
Rough terrain 1/3 distance
Roads Normal: 20 miles
Roads Forced: 30 miles 10% daily loss
Roads Emergency: 40 miles 20% daily loss, mandatory one day rest period
Cross country 2/3 distance
Rough terrain 1/3 distance
Wagon trains
Roads Normal: 15 miles
Roads Forced: 25 miles 10% daily loss
Roads Emergency: 30 miles 40% daily loss, mandatory one day rest period
Cross county half distance
Rough terrain 1/3 distance

Tactical Situation:
Slobobian Army of the North (General M.Lorencz) is comprised of the following
First Corps: 4 bdes (total: 29 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 1 Eng bn, 4 art btry)
Second Corps: 4 bdes (total 29 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 4 art btry)
Third Corps: 4 bdes (total 28 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 3 art btry)
Allied Division: 2 bdes (12 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 2 art btry)
The supply trains for the Slobobians carry sufficient supplies for 7 corps-sized equivalent combat operations)
Total: 98 line bns, 4 cav rgts, 13 art btrys, 1 eng bn)
Advantages for the attacker:
Initiative and Objective: they know what they are doing , when and where
Lack of sufficient cavalry for scouting out situation ahead, groping blind in enemy territory.
Muzzleloading rifle vs Breechloading
Supplies and supply lines

Freedonia III Corps (General D.Lorenko)
1st Division: 2 bdes (12 line bns, 1 cav rgt 3 btry)
2d Division: 2 bdes (12 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 2 btry)
3rd Division: 3 bdes (18 line bns, 1 cav rgt, 4 btry)
1 Cav Bde(2 rgts)
1 Cav bde (2 rgts)
1 Cav division (4 lt cav 2 hvy cav rgt, 1 btry)
Arty bde ( 3 btry)
Supply trains and supply depots in the region carry enough supplies for 10 division sized combat operations
4 militia battalions are divided into company sized garrisons through the area of operations
(total: 42 line bns, 4 militia bns, 13 cav rgts, 13 art btry)
Advantages for the defenders:
Interior lines
Control of the one railroad line and telegraph lines
Advantage in cavalry
Home territory: Militia and others can facilitate intel gathering
Breech loading vs muzzle loading rifles
Reacting to the enemy
Enemy has superior numbers
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