0730 the lines make contact
Heavy firing takes place along the line. Th Freedonians now face a second misfortune. Both battalions on the right flank run low on ammo! With the newly issued dreyse rifle, the unfamiliar troops rapid shoot of all their ammo. An incompetent Brigade quartermaster further exasperated matters as he has positioned the supply column several miles to the rear and made insufficient arrangements to bring ammo forward. Freedonian artillery is compelled to withdraw without making a significant impact.Both of Makowsky's left flank battalions are compelled to withdraw. On the right the Slobobians rush forward into the assault. They throw back the Freedonian 1/8th foot with heavy loss.As the Freedonia line falls back they are covered by two outstanding units, the 2d Guards Jaegers and the 3rd Tuefelwald Jaegers. unlike their line brethren, these two units are highly capable with the dreyse. Operating in company sized elements thy are well-positioned in stone building and the heavy thickets. Now the terrain conspires against the Slobobians. The main road runs through a very thick wood. To push forward they must go into march column. (The Cacedores at this point have ceased forward movement having been in heavy fighting for over an hour). Flanking the wood also requires channelized movement. The three attacking line battalions of Leite's brigade, already exhausted and bleeding become bogged down against this Jager defense.
0830: Leite relieves Correia
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