Monday, January 9, 2012

3 June the Second Battle: Bethany

With Makowsky’s brigade extracted from Bertogne, we now turn out attention to the Southern thrust. Brigade Wasserman has constructed some hastily prepared positions. Amongst the low rolling hills east of Noville lies the rural village of Bethany, mostly a collection of farms. A sharp fight developed between Wasserman’s Brigade and the Slobobian I Corps.

The focus of our attention over the next few days will not be this fight per se, but a smaller action that occurs on the flank of the man action. I am using maps from an area we have hiked and patrolled in extensively for the past six years. Myself and both commanders have also engaged in many tactical terrain walks back there. I have constructed a miniatures table based on this terrain and it will be a mass skirmish battle with each player controlling at least a battalion of troops. I have put together some rules; we are using 6mm forces at a figure scale of about 1:2 and terrain scale of about 1”=25m.

General Situation
The Slobobian Army's I and II Corps continues its advance west along the main southern route and is currently 10 miles east of Noville. Freedonian cavalry have identified the strength of this force at approximately 40,000. This force is advancing at a rate of 10-15 miles per day. Brigade Wasserman is the designated covering force along this southern route. It conducted a delaying action along the frontier on 1 June and withdrew along the main route on 2 June and began preparing positions at Bethany. General Wasserman has selected what he believes to be a strong position along the enemy’s route of advance.

Tactical Situation (Blue):
Gen Wasserman has tasked the 7th Jaeger battalion under Major Wiggins with flank and rear security for his position. Wiggins has headquartered himself at the Lourenco farm which is astride Wasserman’s route of withdrawal. The terrain surrounding this position is heavily wooded and swampy, but there is a trail that provides access to Wasserman’s rear. Wiggins is tasked with securing this area and keeping the Brigades route of withdrawal open. Major Wiggin’s force is comprised of:
7th Jaegers (four companies) about 800 men.
1 section of two 4-lber guns
1 troop of Dragoons.

Tactical Situation (RED)
I Brigade have been tasked with conducting an assault against the Freedonian positions direct from their line of march. II Brigade supports the main effort. Slobobian cavalry have identified a potential flanking route to get around the Freedonians. II brigade commander has been directed to develop this flanking option. He has tasked Colonel von Tripp to take a force along the route discovered by the cavalry and cut the enemy’s route of retreat. Colonel von Tripp’s force consists of:
2bn-IR13. (6x companies) about 1000 men
1 section of 6-lbr guns
1 squadron of dragoons
Battle Area inside back rectangle

The actual table

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