GM Note: I have decided to send some of the NPC campaign decisions off to friends who have played in some of my other campaigns.
This email was sent to the now commander of Brigade Wasserman:
... perhaps you can review the following situation and make a decision. It will effect Dexter's management of the current battle refer to the following two attachments:
Btl2stratpic.jpg Orients to the bigger picture. Remember your task is to delay the enemy near the frontier and screen his ability to scout ahead.
Battle2 Big pic.jpg This orients you to the current battle of Bethany. Your brigade has found good defensive terrain astride the main road where the road crosses a defensible gorge. If you look at this map you have:
Four battalions in line (we''ll call them from North to South 1st bn through 4th bn) guarding the Hopp Brook gorge and it's crossing.
One battalion (5th) and one Dragoon regiment (1st) in reserve
Just south of 4th battalion 2d Dragoon regiment is guarding the Russell/Bethmour intersection anchoring the line
Furthest South is the 7th Jaeger bn (light infantry) in the rough terrain guarding the Atwater trail that leads to your rear under the command of Major Wiggins (Dexter) currently located at the Lourenco farmstead. At 0800 3 June you had given him the following orders:
Mission: Your battalion is to protect the Brigade’s flank and rear. Be prepared on order to reinforce the brigade’s main line. In particular, you are to secure the Atwater trail and prevent any enemy incursions to the Lourenco farmstead. North of your position the Dragoons will defend Bethmour and my immediate left flank.
Keep me informed as to the status of his rear security...
General Wassermann
The enemy commenced their attack against your line at 1000 hours. Your position is strong and their ability to get at you greatly hampered by the terrain. So far your troops have identified 8 separate battalions heavily supported by artillery in the attack against your position. You estimate that this represents about half theenemy force advancing down the southern route.
At 1500 you receive eth following message from 2d Dragoons:
Gen Wasserman,
Enemy march column observed at 1415 hours is assembled at intersection of Atwater Trail and Bethmour. Force estimated at least one battalion, on artillery battery and at least one cavalry squadron. They are moving east down Atwater trail. Infantry in he lead. Enemy cavalry screening the Atwater/bethmour intersection and are making no move to head north against 2 Dragoon position, however they are screening our further scouting attempts vigorously.
Major Baldwin
At 1545 you receive the following message from Wiggins:
Gen Wasserman,
The enemy is attempting to force the Atwater trail to get into the Brigade's rear. Am heavily engaged against an infantry force which I estimate at over one thousand men. We are currently holding along a hill perhaps 1500 yards southwest of the Lourenco farmstead. Situation under control for now. WiIl keep you informed.
With Compliments...Major Wiggins
It's now 1645. You have heard nothing else from Wiggins. A second message arrives from 2 Dragoons:
Gen Wasserman,
Sound of heavy fighting including artillery in the woods South and east of our position. This fighting has gone on for nearly two hours now. We can see smoke rising from the intersection. I have dispatched mounted patrol to Lourenco farmstead and spoken to HQ but they are out of contact with Major Wiggins. Many casualties at the farm. Otherwise from farm location itself there are no enemies. Have dispatched dismounted patrol through woods to find fighting but have not heard back. have assembled a troop to serve as a reaction force but otherwise can not weaken my own defensive position with enemy cavalry force still to south .
With Compliments...Major Baldwin
That's the current situation. Does any of this necessitate a change in your current dispositions? Any orders?
General Wasserman responds:
Send scouts south along Bethmour to see if there is an opportunity to cut off the troops attacking the 7th Jaegers by swinging in behind them along the Atwater Trail. We now know that they are pressing forward and the 2/13 may be spread thin enough to exploit with a counterattack
Dispatch the reaction force from the 2d Dragoons to reinforce the 7th Jaegers including aid for the wounded. They will need the help.
Inform the 4th battalion of what is happening.
They should be prepared to either:
a. relocate to the high ground along Fairwood Road south of the swampy area to prevent the flank from being rolled up
b. to support a counterattack by the 2d Dragoons by moving south along Schaeffer Road. Best case scenario, they can hold where they are.
At the first sign of direct contact with the enemy, the 4th Battalion should inform both me and and 3rd Battalion CO.
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