One of my son's friends is joining the Slobobian Amy a a brigade commander: His initial briefing:
Per our conversation yesterday I thought I would bring you up to speed
in preparation for our online campaign.
First off the setting of this campaign takes place in 1868 between two
fictional states, Freedonia vs Upper Slobobia. These states are
generally in the area of the Ardennes,along the border of Germany,
Luxoumberg and Belgium.You are a member of the Upper Slobobian Army.
The Nature of European Combat in the late 1860s:
Much of the lessons learned during the American Civil War were
expressly ignored by the majority of European major military planners
and thinkers who could not look past the "Armed rabble" nature of the
war. For example cavalry still filled an essentially Napoleonic shock
charge battlefield role as cavalry leaders were against giving up the
romantic notion of the charge even though technology had already made
it somewhat feasible. The breach loading rifles known in Prussia as the
Needlegun and in France as the Chassepot have dramatically increased
the lethality of infantry and necessitate more open formations as
opposed to everyone banging away at each other in line. Likewise
Artillery is increasingly breachloading and rifled which increases
range and rate of fire.
Unfortunately Upper Slobobia represents the reactionary movement
against these new technological changes, being that they haven't
fought serious combat since the Napoleonic wars ended in 1815.
Politically they are a duchal Monarchy and very much against the
upstart Freedonian's heretical attempts to move towards a French-style
Anyway the Slobobian Army is still equipped with Rifled Muskets
similar to those used in the US Civil War. There is a strong belief in
the Slobobian Army that combat is resolved at the point of a bayonet.
The Freedonian Army is equipped with bolt action "needle guns".
After he writes back to join...
I have attached your commander's original plan for the invasion of
Freedonia and a map of your current overall situation. You are a General
Geanakoplos, a brigade commander in Chekov's Corps of the Army of Upper
Slobobia which is commanded by General Lorencz (that's Miles). You are
part of the Northern Attack Group...Group A.
Your Brigade currently consists of:
1co 11th Artillery with 4 8lber rifled cannons (horse drawn) w 155 men.
3rd Royal Light infantry bn (battalion) with 755 men (they are light troops capable of skirmishing)
1bn IR(Infantry Regiment) 22 with 850 men
2bn IR22 with 908 men
1bn IR17 with 900 men
2bn IR17 with 889 men
1bn IR20 with 945 men (note: your best unit)
All your battalions have six equal sized companies.
It is 2300hours (11pm) on 3 June, 1868. The previous day a large
battle was fought at Bretogne near the border. Your role in this fight
was minimal given your position last in line towards the back of the
column. During the reorganizing that ensued on the 3rd, your Brigade
now finds itself at the head of the column with Alfonso bloodied
division now rested and reorganized, at the back. You are summoned by
General Chekov who informs you that your brigade will be in the lead for
tomorrow's march. He wants no surprises. Behind you in the order of
march will be Solo's Brigade. The entire army follows. He expects you to
be ready to move by 6am. You are to proceed at a normal marching pace.
Ahead of you will be a few squadrons of Slobobian cavalry scouting
ahead. You know they are out there because you hear occasional shots as
they skirmish with the ever present Freedonian cavalry pickets assigned
to keep tabs on your army's progress.
You will need to decide the order of march for your brigade as they
lead off in the morning. You can respond to me with a short narrative of
the orders you give your subordinate commanders. Keep in mind that if
you have to move out by 6am that it will take your brigade at least a
half hour to form up into column not including eating breakfast and
packing up.
Once you mull this over I will be looking for you to give me your
suggested order of march since you are the lead element in the Army.
This mean bn (battalion X is in the lead followed by Bn Y etc, where is
the artillery battery in this order and where are you. Also what will you
tell the lead bn commander (cdr) to do if he makes contact. Your
formation I expect will be in column so your brigade will be spread out along the road over a mile.
You are pretty much tasked with moving down a single road,
several miles ahead of the other brigades. The only thing ahead of you
will be cavalry..outside of your control but they will keep you informed
of what they bump into. The Army commander has you out front and it
will be your job to deal with small enemy detachments as pop up without
involving the rest of the Army.
Good Luck!
His first orders...
"I would like to advance my troops at 5:00 am in a colomn with the 3rd
Royal Light infrantry leading the way followed by the 2bn IR17, then the
1bn IR17, then the 1bn IR20, then my cannon and then in the rear hte 2bn
IR22. The lead unit should engage in cmbat with any resistance met and
should await further order as they fight the opposition"
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